NEB Result 2082 (Class 12th) National Examination Board (NEB)

NEB Result 2082 (Class 12th) National Examination Board (NEB) is available now. NEB Result 2082-2083, we will help you to find the National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal result online and via sparrow SMS. Check NEB class 11 (grade 11) and grade 12 (class 12) exam results for 2024. In addition, you may also check NEB Management and Science Result 2079.

NEB Result: National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal (राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्ड). The NEB is administered as the Higher Education Council in Nepal. Grade 11 (class 11) and Grade 12 (Class 12) are considered the higher secondary levels. The NEB allows students to access their exam results online.

NEB Result

Page Results

NEB Result 2082

This page will guide you on “how to check NEB Result 2018.” Whenever the National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal publishes any national exam results online, there are various ways to search for the NEB class 11 (grade 11) and class 12 (grade 12) exam results in 2022. In addition, you may also check the NEB Management and Science Result 2079-2078.

In last year’s 2074 grade 11 exams, 347,748 students appeared. Similarly, this year, more than 4 lacs students were supposed to appear in class 11th results.

Recently the Higher Secondary Education Board has decided to introduce a letter grading system also in Grade XI and XII examinations.

NEB Result: How to check online?

Nowadays, students’ National Examination Board (NEB) exam results show only Grades and GPA points instead of marks. However, students may download or print NEB Result 2079 with mark sheet. As a matter of fact, NEB does not host any result on its server. However, you can also check the result in the following ways.

  • Visit – the NEB student portal
  • In the main menu click on “Result
  • Now the result page will open.
  • Now enter your Symbol No _____
  • Finally, Click on the Submit button.

NEB Result with marksheet 2082

NEB Result 2082 Via SMS

In some places of Nepal, there is no Internet connection. National Examination Board (NEB) made it easy for students to check the Nepal national exam result by using mobile-SMS.

  • With Sparrow SMS, students can receive their exam results immediately after the results are published.
  • Goto Write SMS on your Mobile
  • Type << NEB <space> Symbol-Number >> Sent it to 35001
  • E.g. NEB 1000112018
  • NEB Exam Results Via Sparrow SMS  [5 Rs per SMS without tax]

NEB Result via sparrow SMS

Reply from SMS
“Congratulations your symbol number is 0000000A. You have passed.
Physics: 70
Nepali: 60
English 70
Chemistry: 90”

NEB Result 2082 using IVR system:

To cope with technology, the National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal made an IVR system to know the NEB exam results 2079.Interactive voice response (IVR) ) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the telephone.

  •  Take your phone and dial 1601  (Landline phone / GSM prepaid/ postpaid /CDMA phone)
  • Then a computer voice will ask for your Symbol-Number.
  • Type the same from the keypad.
  • Then the system automatically accesses your result and will tell your scorecard.

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